Does anyone have experience with air admittance valves, which allow venting of plumbing without having to vent through the roof? PLUMBING I had a laundry sink installed in my basement. Get Plumb Pak at Lowe's: Studor Mini-Vent Plumbing Vent (82678K) in-stock right now at your local stores. air admittance valves - compare prices at SupaPrice. The best source of information for Plumbing products from MA Griffith products and services. IPC - IRC - UPC - NSPC - NPCC - Approvals by State. 2006 International Plumbing Code (IPC) Section 202 - General Definitions. Get Oatey Sure-Vent 1-1/2 - 2 in. ABS Air Admittance Valve (6-Pack) (39018) in-stock right now at your local stores. Does anyone have experience with air admittance valves, which allow venting of plumbing without having to vent through the roof? Find drain valve related suppliers, manufacturers, products and specifications on GlobalSpec - a trusted source of drain valve information. Air, Inc. - Franklin, MA (Serving Connecticut) Distributor, Custom Manufacturer ISO 9001:2000 certified distributor of valves including air valves pneumatic valves.